The most commonly used phrase personal stylists hear today is, you guessed it, "I have nothing to wear." Your closet is bursting, you can't add another thing to it, yet there is nothing you feel like putting on. I get it!
We keep adding to our closets because we love shopping and there is so much out there to discover! I totally understand that but if you take a look at what's actually in there you might find a few things you forgot about. I guarantee it!
Step One: Rearrange Everything. The way you currently have it organized isn't working, so rearrange everything to discover what's been hiding in there. If you currently have things itemized, such as pants in one area, shirts in another, try organizing things based on colour palettes instead. Particularly if you are a "matchy-matchy" person who often wears monochromatic outfits, this will make it easier for you to find colour-coordinated items to pair together. If you typically put different colour combinations together however, you might prefer arranging everything according to garment type. In this case, sorting all your clothing by blazers, short-sleeve tops, long-sleeve shirts, jeans and casual pants, work trousers, etc will probably work better. This way you would clearly see what you need to reach for to put an outfit together. The trick to creating a wearable wardrobe is to think about how you actually wear your clothing. Try to arrange your closet in such a way that it coincides with the way you put an outfit together when you go out into the world.
Step Two: Remove What You Don't Use. Once your closet is organized in a manner that is congruent with your personal style, you will begin to notice things you don't wear anymore. Maybe the way you dress has changed over time and you don't reach for certain things the way you used to. Think about the last time you wore something. What is the likelihood you will wear it again? If you haven't worn an item for two years or more, it's probably time for it to be consigned or donated. Holding onto such things any longer is pointless and they take up valuable closet space that prevents you from seeing what you will actually wear.
Step Three: Style Yourself! Once you have rearranged your closet and removed what you don't use you will clearly see you actually have things to wear! Your perception should change immensely when everything is clearly organized right in front of you and you may not even feel the urge to go shopping for awhile. Get creative now! Try pairing things you never thought of. Whether it's different blazers or shirts paired with jeans or cargo pants, or colours or patterns you normally wouldn't wear side-by-side, shop your closet for new looks to make the most out of what you've already got!
Dressing should be enjoyable and fun and it will be when you have a wardrobe that is easy to view with items that are easily accessible when you want to get creative and put new outfits together!
