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I was in one of the dressing rooms at a local Winners store recently when I overheard a conversation between an older lady and a young clerk. "Do you think this is too young a look? I always worry about looking like I'm trying too hard to look young."

That was it. I couldn't take it. I have heard this far too often to let it go.

When I exited my dressing room and saw what she had on I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked fantastic! Her pastel blue wide-leg jeans fit her figure perfectly and literally took years off her entire body. It took some convincing because she claimed she had body dysmorphia but I reassured her it is okay to wear trendy jeans at her age. She didn't really have dysmorphia, a deformity or abnormality in some part of the body, but that is how she perceived her insecurity.

Too many women are afraid to dress the way they would like to, even today. It never ceases to amaze me that people hold onto outdated beliefs from the 1950's or earlier. That was over 70 years ago for goodness sake! The number of comments I read on social media about the way Jennifer Lopez and Madonna dress is mind-boggling. And now they're even targeting Nicole Kidman! Seriously?

If you are reading this I want you to stop. Right now. Stop caring about what other people think. Stop worrying about how people might view you. Because you know what? It just doesn't matter. It really doesn't. If there's anything I've learned in life it's that you can't live other people's lives for them, you can't please everyone, and you can't let other people's opinions dictate how you dress or express yourself. As long as you do, you will feel short-changed. You will be sacrificing your personal happiness and creativity and will never feel fulfilled. You will not live the authentic life you deserve.

So please, wear those wide-leg jeans. Do that plunging neckline. Let me see that skirt hiked up past your knees. I'm not saying you should wear something that clearly isn't figure-flattering but if you've got the body or the personality then flaunt it! Why not? The only people who are going to criticize you are the one's who can't dress that way themselves, for whatever reason, and are jealous of you. That is their business and their problem, not yours. It is not for you to worry about. Truly, it is not for you to care.

Check out my Pinterest board under Bliss & Bling: Youthful Style, or any of my other Pinterest Bliss & Bling boards for lots of interesting ways to dress for your particular figure type or style personality!

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