Laugh so the world laughs with you. Live your best life this very moment. Get really excited. Be the person you love being with. Right here. Right now. What are you waiting for??, pub-6851701719357005, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
I created the Bliss & Bling Life & Style! website and blog as a free resource to clients and fashion enthusiasts 50+ who are interested in fashion trends and looking amazing through every milestone. I provide insight into the latest runway trends, tips and tricks professional stylists use to flatter your figure and express your personality, and advice on how to feel relevant. Certified Style Coaches TM want you to look good and feel great. I hope this blog helps you do just that!
Gail E. Meaker
Certified Style Coach TM, MIASC *
* Certified and Accredited by The Style Coaching Institute TM in Cheltenham, U.K.
and The International Association of Style Coaches (IASC).